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Investor Relations:

Pre-IPO Raise Opportunity

Developing novel technologies to tackle antimicrobial resistance

SpectrumX is focused on bringing the world’s first patent protectable formulations of Hypochlorus Acid (HOCl) to the pharmaceutical and personal care market.

It’s first two product launches are a ground-breaking respiratory infection therapy for the treatment of the global virus, pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis and other upper and lower repiratory infections. Additionally the company is rolling out one of the most powerful hand sanitisers in the world with supplies to the NHS having already begun.

Both products utilise unique patent-pending Hydrochlorous Acid (HOCL) formulations. HOCl is a substance naturally produced in our bodies and released by our white blood cells when fighting infection.

Pre-IPO capital is currency being raised at a discount to an initial listing price on the London Stock Exchange, with a conservative estimated entry valuation of £50 million. 

One of the most powerful hand sanitisers in the world - Spectricept™

Innovative respiratory therapy – SPC-069

WORLD'S FIRST and ONLY patent-protectable HOCL formulation

Benefits of early investment

To date in excess of £4 million has been invested by existing shareholders.

Pre-IPO capital is currently being raised via discounted Convertible Loan Notes.

SpectrumX have appointed Alfred Henry, one of the largest and leading advisory biotech firms for companies listing on the London Stock Exchange.


The prestigious Neville Registrars has been appointed as registrar and receiving agent for incoming investments and will hold funds until notes are issued.

Capital raised will be deployed to support the following key areas:

  • Further supporting clinical trials
  • Construction of MHRA compliant production facility in the North West
  • Registration of products with both MHRA and EMA
  • Expanding professional team
  • Introduction of QMS (Quality Management System) for pharmaceutical manufacturing
  • Testing unique HOCL for other potential medical applications
  • Supporting launch products in UK and EU

London Stock Exchange

Target Listing Date

Est. Entry Valuation

Leading Corporate Advisory Firm

Prestigious Registrar & Receiving Agent

Take Advantage of This Pre-IPO Discount Now


Hypochlorous Acid (HOCL) is a naturally occurring substance that is biocompatible and safe for human use. It eradicates all bacteria, mycobacteria, spores, fungi, viruses – including the recent global virus.

Although it was discovered over a 100 years ago, developing a stabilised form of it outside the body has only been achieved in the past 20 years. 

Our partner company, Spectrum Antimicrobials Inc. has known that HOCL is a product that will have a significant positive impact on the world, however traditional methods created an end-product with significant limitations.

Spectrum's team of scientists and microbiologists took this problem head on with the aim to solve it.

The outcome?

A completely unique production process that emulates how our bodies actually make HOCL, paving the way for a solution that truly harnesses our body's natural defence systems with "real world" resilience and fighting power.

The Impact of SpectrumX HOCL

“Globally there is a paradigm shift in the way people think about their health and wellbeing. 

At SpectrumX we believe that we have harnessed the immense power of the human immune system with a product so versatile its applications are almost never ending.

As a company we want to play a part in this shift in society; from saving patients’ lives in hospitals, to providing consumers with innovative, safe and effective solutions for sanitisation and personal care.

With the combination of our world-renowned team, innovative developments and intellectual property, it is SpectrumX’s mission to be a globally leading HOCL health company, offering a better way to protect and improve people’s lives around the world.

– SpectrumX CEO, Damien Hancox

*Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Current Global Death Rates

Deaths Attributed to AMR* by 2050

What the Medical Community is Saying About SpectrumX

Take Advantage of This Pre-IPO Opportunity

SpectrumX is diversified across both healthcare and sanitisation.

We hold licenses for the only patent-protectable HOCL formulation – a naturally substance that historically has been problematic to reproduce.

Our focus is to bring groundbreaking respiratory therapy (SP-069) and to roll out one of the most powerful hand sanitisers in the world (Spectricept™) using our unique patent-pending HOCL formulation.

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© SpectrumX Holdings Ltd. 2021